
We are a team of misfits or inexperienced adolescent muslims that are trying to explore this world from a different perspective.

Islam is a beautiful religion and this site is dedicated towards sharing what we have and believe. Subtly or not so-subtle, the mass media had not given us any chance to redeem our mistakes, to justify our actions or to explain our faith. Today, Muslims are bombarded by unnecessary judgments by the citizens of the world, a world that we share together now and forever.

This site, hopefully, can shed a little light of truth towards this matter. Although it is a small thing to do and required minimal effort, it is what we have for now.

It is an honor to meet fellow readers such as yourself and as such, you are my honorary guests here.


Feel free to comment on any part of the posts, because as we have said it, we want to get a different perspective. Not just propagating our own, but to receive from you all as well.

Thank you.


Update v1.0 : Added English and Malay menus to diversify our website. God willing, more people will be able to write, read and share what they have learned =)

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Giulia says:

    That is a beautiful initiative. Wishing you all the best!



    1. towardshumbleservant says:

      Et toi! Good luck to you too 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Suze says:

    what a wonderful thing to do. Shall quite happily learn all you can teach me. Thank you.


    1. towardshumbleservant says:

      Thank you to you too! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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